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Climate Change

The Council are seeking consultation on the Climate Emergency Planning Policy and Guidance which ends on the 21 April 2022 at 5pm. 

The Council will accept comments via:

All the documents can be seen here and there is a 20 minute video about it

Environment Agency wags finger at Tamerton Residents

Residents along Riverside Walk have received a letter from the Environment Agency pointing out that the Tamerton Foliot Stream is classified as a main river, and that activities near its bank need a Flood Risk Activity Permit. This includes altering, repairing any structure in, over or under the stream, such as gabion baskets, decking or other garden structures. Without this ‘you could be breaking the law.’

Bat Survey

Bat Detectors were placed at three locations around the village to record bat activity, and classify by breed.

The detectors respond to the high frequency calls each bat makes, and because each breed has a distinctive call are able to work out which species has been detected.

More information and results below:

Lakeside Fields

A manhole in the fields below Lakeside has been overflowing

This manhole sits in the huge major trunk sewer that carries sewage from the north of Plymouth to Ernesettle Treatment Works.

Church Row Lane

This is looking up Church Row Lane – the manhole is lifted by sewage which flows down into the stream.

This has sadly been occurring in heavy rainfall. SWW are investigating and think it may be connected to the discharge from the Mayflower Treatment Works which joins the sewage system in Porsham Lane.

Local election results 2021

Local election results

Plymouth City Council elections took place on Thursday 6 May 2021 and votes were counted on Friday 7 May.

Overall turnout was 35.93%.


Turnout: 35.09%

Richard Audubon BingleyConservative1,750YES
Benjamin John DavyTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition20 
Sonia-Maria HoskingIndependent305 
Brian Richard LewisGreen133 
Katie McManusLiberal Democrat105 
Liz NicollsLabour984 
Emily Rose QuickIndependent273 

A new Chairman for the Conservation Society

The Conservation Society now has a new Chairman, Dennis Silverwood. Dennis has been a committee member for some years and was a key player with our outgoing chairman in representing the views of the village at last year’s public enquiry into housing development in Allern Lane. We welcome him to his new role. The committee express their grateful thanks to our outgoing Chairman Robert Plumb who has done stalwart work for the village on your behalf.

The Plymouth Plan Part 2

This document presented by Plymouth City Council sets out a vision for the future development in the city over the next 20 years. It is wide ranging covering housing, employment and transport. You are urged to refer to it as it will affect all residents in one way or another. Go to