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The Tamerton Foliot Village Conservation Society was founded in 1975 at a public meeting called to discuss unsuitable development and preserve the character of the village. It was formally adopted by Plymouth City Council in 1977, meaning there are planning requirements to meet.

The Society now has approximately 500 members all of which are welcome to attend the AGM where there is always an interesting talk from an invited speaker.

The Conservation Society Committee meets regularly to discuss and question anything affecting the life of the village. Our aims include retaining the character and ecology of our historic village. We acknowledge that life moves on but are naturally concerned that progress should evolve in harmony with our existing environment.

The association’s objects are:

  • To preserve and enhance, where possible, the character and amenity of the Tamerton Foliot Village Conservation Area
  • To guard against and take action, when appropriate, to resist inappropriate development, which would adversely impact on the character or amenity of the Conservation Area (CA) or its setting.
  • To raise awareness and inform members and residents of the village and other interested parties about issues that might affect the CA
  • To act in partnership with other groups, societies, elected members and officers to achieve positive outcomes for both the CA and village on issues of importance to the society and its members
  • To advise relevant authorities and parties and represent the wider community on related matters of importance to Tamerton Foliot and its residents

In particular, City Planners adopt a conservation area to:

  • protect the distinctive layout and character
  • give greater consideration to the nature and design of development proposals in the interests of respecting and complementing the existing architecture of the area
  • provide additional protection through reduction in permitted development rights (for example demolition, works to trees, extensions, windows, satellite dishes and cladding)
  • require to be notified if cutting down a tree or doing any pruning work if it has a trunk diameter of over 7.5cm at chest height.